Driver Detective has been built from the ground up and is an industry first in providing manufacturer specific drivers for your computer. For example, if you own a Dell computer Driver Detective will recommend drivers specifically for your Dell computer model. Driver Detective is simple and easy to use with a new users interface designed to make updating drivers fast. Driver Detective uses the latest Microsoft .NET technology to keep your computer information more safe and secure. Driver HeadQuarters has an experienced support staff available to help you, with integrated customer support tools built in. Driver Detective can save you endless hours of work and aggravation updating your drivers.
Access to over 1 Million device associated drivers 100 Million Downloads tested and proven driver update technology Drivers specific to your make and model of computer Safe and secure using Microsoft latest .net technology Integrated customer support tools PC Drivers HeadQuarters was established in 1996. Since then we have spent countless hours perfecting our technology. Our Driver Detective technology has been praised by users for its ease of use in helping people resolve their driver problems. Driver Detective has been built from the ground up and is an industry first in providing manufacturer specific drivers for a computer. For example, if you own a Dell computer Driver Detective will recommend drivers specifically for your Dell computer model. Driver Detective is simple and easy to use with a new user interface designed to make updating drivers fast. Driver Detective uses the latest Microsoft .NET technology to keep your computer information more safe and secure. Driver HeadQuarters has an experienced support staff available to help you, with integrated customer support tools built in. Driver Detective can save users endless hours of work and aggravation updating your drivers.
Access to over 1 Million device associated drivers 100 Million Downloads tested and proven driver update technology Drivers specific to your make and model of computer Safe and secure using Microsoft latest .net technology Integrated customer support tools PC Drivers HeadQuarters was established in 1996. Since then we have spent countless hours perfecting our technology. Our Driver Detective technology has been praised by users for its ease of use in helping people resolve their driver problems. Driver Detective has been built from the ground up and is an industry first in providing manufacturer specific drivers for a computer. For example, if you own a Dell computer Driver Detective will recommend drivers specifically for your Dell computer model. Driver Detective is simple and easy to use with a new user interface designed to make updating drivers fast. Driver Detective uses the latest Microsoft .NET technology to keep your computer information more safe and secure. Driver HeadQuarters has an experienced support staff available to help you, with integrated customer support tools built in. Driver Detective can save users endless hours of work and aggravation updating your drivers.
O Driver Detective é um programa que identifica os dispositivos de hardware instalados em seu computador e verifica os drivers instalados para eles. Esta varredura detecta tanto a falta de um driver apropriado quanto drivers desatualizados. Esta é uma versão gratuita da ferramenta apenas para teste e está limitada apenas a verificação. Para corrigir os problemas encontrados, somente utilizando a versão registrada (paga).
A interface deste programa é extremamente otimizada, encontrando-se dividida de forma clara sem perder sua elegância. Já na primeira abertura do programa ele identifica seu computador e para efetuar a identificação dos drivers, clique em “Varrer Agora”.
Os resultados são exibidos em duas partes: na parte superior da janela do programa é mostrado um resumo da varredura, contendo hora inicial, tempo decorrido, número de dispositivos verificados, um gráfico com a legenda. O gráfico ilustra o resultado conforme proporção e divide-se em drivers desatualizados, atualizados, de sistema e dispositivos sem driver. A legenda informa a quantidade de cada um deles.
Na parte inferior da janela estão os resultados específicos. Ali são exibidos os detalhes de cada um dos drivers localizados. Você pode optar por visualizar todos os resultados disponíveis ou apenas uma categoria (desatualizados, atualizados ou sistema).
A função de correção dos problemas (que seria acessada pelo botão “Avançar”) só está disponível para a versão registrada do programa. Esta opção seria responsável, por exemplo, pela atualização de drivers desatualizados e segundo o desenvolvedor, os drivers são fornecidos conforme as especificações dos fabricantes.