DVDShrink is a software to backup DVDs. You can use this software in conjunction with other DVD software of your choice to make a backup of any movie. The output from DVD Shrink is saved as files on your hard drive such as the software provided your DVD-R drive.
DVD Shrink is a tool for fitting a DVD Video disc on a single DVD disc.Our Software is capable of both re-authoring and re-encoding the movie. It features an intuitive easy user interface which makes it easy to choose what to keep and what to lose.Our software is able to produce either an ISO image of the ripped DVD or a VIDEO-TS folder for further processing, viewing or burning.
DVD Shrink is capable of both re-authoring and re-encoding the movie. It features an intuitive user interface which makes it easy to choose what to keep, and what to lose.
DVD Shrink allows the user to select compression level for each video track separately to obtain the desired disc size (which is usually below 4.38GB). The software is capable of producing either an ISO image of the ripped DVD, or a VIDEO_TS folder for further processing, viewing or burning.
Operating System Support - Windows 9x/2000/XP
O grande mérito do DVD Shrink é tornar a cópia de DVDs um procedimento simples até mesmo para usuários inexperientes. Mesmo no caso de DVDs de vídeo produzidos em mídias de dupla camada, a cópia em DVD-R ou DVD+R comuns é feita automaticamente pelo DVD Shrink. O software se encarrega de promover os ajustes na codificação para que o conteúdo do DVD original caiba no DVD virgem e mantenha toda a sua estrutura original, com menus, legendas, trilhas de áudio, trailers etc. Não é preciso nem mesmo recorrer a outro programa para gravar o DVD. Basta que o Nero esteja instalado no micro para que o DVD Shrink o utilize para realizar automaticamente a transferência dos dados para o DVD virgem.